A flying car was spotted today
The local public just figured it was a side effect of the drink and drugs they took the day before and went about their business.

Later it was release that harry potter is attending the latest release of harry potter six. But as he arrived in Glasgow earlier today he found that getting a parking space was not the easiest thing to do.
Potter spoke to the local council who declared that he was not a big enough start to get his own parking space in Glasgow and that the spaces available would be assigned to the local Mp for their maids cars.
Potter was not happy about this and decided that he could just fly over to the local museum and park in their car park as he has a cloak of invisibility so none of the two fans that he has will see him.
What potter forgot to consider was that his mate’s car wasn’t invisible and that a local tourist could snap up a picture of him landing his car.
Potter replied to the tourist “do you know who a um”
The tourist replied “no” and left with a smug look on their face.
When asking potter why he brought the car, potter replied “well the platform 11a was no longer at the central station so his train could no longer stop there”