In 1921 when Lieutenant Charles Howard-Bury led the Royal Geographical Societies Everest Reconnaissance Expedition. HE wrote a book about his expedition in which he talks about crossing the Lhakpa-la where at 21,000 feet he found footprints in the snow. He believed these were caused by a large loping wolf which in the soft snow caused double tracks like those of a bare footed man. He also said that his Sherpa guide immediately said that the tracks must be that of the wild man of the snow.
When a Mr Henry Newman interviewed the porters of the expedition hi mistranslated the word metoh as filthy or dirty and substituted it with the word abominable therefore creating the abominable snowman as we all know it today.
Before this in 1832 a B.H. Hodgson while trekking in the northern hills of Nepal one of his guides spotted a tall man like creature covered with long dark hair. Which he said seemed to flee in fear. Hodgson did not see the creature himself but concluded it was an orangutan. Also in 1889 Laurence Waddell reported his guide’s description of a large apelike figure that left large footprints.
In 2007 TV presenter Joshua Gates and his team reported finding a series of footprints in the Everest region of Nepal resembling descriptions of a yeti the footprints measured 33cm in length with five toes and measured 25cm across. They made casts of the prints for research. They were examined by Jeffrey Meldrum of Idaho State University who said they were too accurate to be fake and said they were very similar to a pair of Bigfoot prints that were found in America.

A yeti scalp kept at khumjung monastery
Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch is probably the best known hairy humanoid in the world. There have been many sightings of Bigfoot’s and Bigfoot families all across America and in Canada. Reports describe it as being between six to ten foot tall covered entirely with brown hair and anyone who has had an encounter also report a very strong unpleasant smell. Sightings start from the northwest pacific and spread throughout North America. In 1967 Fred Beck claimed that in July 1924 he and four other miners were attacked one night by several ape men throwing rocks at their cabin. They went outside and shot at what they described as mountain gorillas. The next morning large footprints were found outside the cabin.
In 1941 Jeannie Chapman and her children claimed they had to escape from their home when a large Sasquatch seven and a half feet tall approached their home in ruby creek.
In 1958 Jerry Crew a bulldozer operator took a giant cast of a footprint to a newspaper office. He and his crew had been seeing large footprints around were they were working in an isolated site at Bluff Creek California. The crews were over seen by a Wilbur l Wallace brother of a Ray Wallace and after Ray’s death his children came forward with a pair of sixteen inch wooden feet which they claimed their father had used to fake the Bigfoot tracks.
In 1967 roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin created one of the biggest hoaxes in history when on October twentieth they claimed they had caught big foot on film. The film became known as the Patterson-grimlin film and was thought to be the best evidence of the existence of Bigfoot and fooled many experts until they finally came forward years later and admitted that Robert had dressed up in an ape costume for the making of the film. Many people still believe the footage to be real today.
More incredibly an Albert Ostman claims that in 1924 when he went on a hunting and camping trip. He was asleep in his sleeping bag when a male Sasquatch picked him up and carried him over the mountains to a valley surrounded by cliffs. He spent six days there held captive by a family of Sasquatch a father, mother son and daughter until he was able to escape
And more recently in 1988 a 12 year old boy spotted a Sasquatch while he was fishing for Cray fish in a creek in gray harbor Washington. He saw it looking at him from the bank opposite from him he described it as being six feet tall white with a pot belly bloodshot blue eyes with a wide nose buck teeth and a pink completion. He got on his bike out of there and said the Sasquatch limped down the river. He had left his belonging there and was too scared to go back to get them so he eventually persuaded his father to go with him. His father of course did not believe his story. When they got back to the creek they examined a footprint that was left and found that whatever left it was crippled.
Later in July 1995 the same son and father went camping at Wynoochee Reservoir near the same area. They traveled up near the waterfalls and were using a spotting scope to look for mountain sheep when the boy’s father said he could see two Sasquatch. There was one black and one white one chasing each other and wrestling on the ground. The then stopped and went over to sit on some rocks for a rest. The father noticed that the white one was limping like the one his son had described. Six – seven other people are said to have witnessed this sighting and it lasted twenty – thirty minutes before the disappeared.
These are only a hand full of reported sightings across the world. You have to ask yourself with so many sightings in so many places could they really exist. Or are there too many people just eager to get there fifteen minutes of fame. Some scientists believe people are misidentifying bears for these mythical creatures, and say that there habitat would not be suitable for such a creature that there would need to be many more to facilitate breeding to keep the species alive. But when you think they are finding new species all the time on our planet why couldn’t they exist and what else is lurking out there.